Generic questions
The rows in the "recently shared" Tab is arrived when you share a page from Safary Browser into ReaderView App. Once you "seen" the page it is removed automatically from the "recently shared" tab and you can find it in "History" tab. If you don't want to loose the link - you need to add it to the Favorites.
The ReaderView app re-loads the web pages that you have in "Favorites", "History" and "Recently shared" tabs every time the page is loaded from their original online locations, as the Safary browser does. If you want to preserve the page content locally in your device, "Lock" it is - so its main content file will be kept "offline" - use the "lock" functionality of the ReaderView App. The "locked" page is not possible to reload without "unlocking". But in case of dynamic, changing content it may be reasonable in some case to save the downloaded text locally.
You can hide the menu and page info panel if you press "X" button or the page number area. Double tap on the text area would do the same job. Once you need to get back to menu - double tap on the screen again or just tap on the page number area.
We are using the "Readability" Javascript in order to fetch the "reader view" text content from the page you load. Unfortunately, some pages design doesn't provide enough information which text is actually "reading view" text. In case if the script failed to identify the reading-ready component - the ReaderView app shows this error. In this case the only available text view mode is "All Content".
Reader View is formatted HTML that contain the "readable" text from the page. The "Text Only" is not HTML, it is pure text, with no markup. Sometimes even the small HTML markup is not good, so we provide you with the option to remove it completely.
All content is obfuscated HTML code of the page, it has all javascript, iframes, CSS, etc removed. This helps isolating most of the embedded advertisement, but it keeps all navigation HTML.
We plan to keep improve the ReaderView App, mainly by adding the site specific parsing. We cannot guarantee that your lovely site will be processed first, but anyway feel free to contact us by the "Feedback" button on the "More" page, we count your opinion and will try to embed parsing for your site soon.
All notes are kept privately on your device. The only way someone can see them - if you open the note and share it.

graverint at
© Graver Int. 2017, 2018